
It's Not Really about the Money

It's Not Really about the Money

It wasn’t a desperate kind of yes, but a yes of deep understanding that the me that felt broken and beat down at a soul level and who had made the decisions that got me into the mess I was in wouldn’t be the me that could turn things around unless I got some help. Like, A LOT of help.

Maybe it was the hope that these programs represented for me that pushed me to the back of the room where I plunked down my credit cards to pay for the programs. 

I literally felt like throwing up, I was so scared....

The Big Marketing Mistake that Keeps You Earning Less than You Deserve

 The Big Marketing Mistake that Keeps You Earning Less than You Deserve

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because something inside you is calling you to do something bigger with your life. There’s a part of you that knows you’re meant to be more and receive more than your current circumstances, whatever they may be. And part of that is having the confidence and the systems that allow you to build a thriving business so you can do the work that is yours to do and serve the people who you’re uniquely qualified to serve.

But, you can’t build a thriving business that serves your clients in the highest way if you’re struggling, working your fingers to the bone or have inadvertently created another J-O-B for yourself that you resent.

In my previous post, I debunked the myth that says if you increase your fees, you’ll lose clients or not get any to begin with. I addressed just about every possible concern or excuse you could have to not charge what you know you’re worth. If you haven’t read that post yet, please read it. It contains critical mindset shifts that will allow you to finally push past your fears and confidently stand in the value you provide, charge for it and get it.

Now we’re going to jump into debunking one of the big marketing strategies that keeps so many business owners struggling financially.

Raise Your Fees to Get More Clients

Raise Your Fees to Get More Clients

You decided long ago that life was too short to spend it working a typical J-O-B, so you made the leap into pursuing your passion. You’re committed to making a difference in the lives of your clients… and the world. You’ve even built a business around it.

But instead of having more freedom and fulfillment in your life, you're running 24/7 because you’re just not bringing in enough clients at fees high enough to make your business work financially.

Too many heart-centered entrepreneurs know they’re undercharging for the real value and amazing results they deliver, but they’re afraid to raise their rates. That’s not only bad for their business; it also undermines their clients’ ability to get real, lasting results.