Transformation Coaching and Performance Coach for purpose-driven Leaders, Professionals and Companies | Christine Parma

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3 Critical Steps to Manifest Your Dreams Now

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Imagine having a private beach-front, 7-casita retreat home + yoga room with staff of 5 and a private chef on one of Thailand’s premier vacation destinations… all for your family’s vacation.

Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it?

This is a photo of the actual vacation home I manifested.

Wouldn’t you love to manifest something like that for yourself? Yeah, I wanted to, too.

And so I did. :-)

But, first, let me back up. 

It all started with my sort-of last-minute vacation planning.

Four months ahead of time is VERY last-minute when you’re trying to plan a trip to Thailand over the Chinese New Year and everything’s booked a year ahead of time.

My husband and I scoured the internet for days looking for some place… any place… that wasn’t a typical hotel resort and didn’t cost $2,000 a night. 

Let’s just say the pickings were REALLY slim… as in, only 4 rental beach-front homes in all of Thailand in our price range during the week the kids are off school... and they were going fast.

But, you see, I’ve been really focusing a lot more attention and INtention lately on practicing certain spiritual and manifesting principles. I’ve been reading A Course about Miracles (again) and I put what I know works to work in this situation.

And then the synchronicities started happening… and I ended up with the contact info for a famous LA film producer and photographer whose bestie is Jeff Bridges. (Yes, THE Jeff Bridges).

I had the contact info… My mind wavered momentarily… Should I call him? Wouldn’t I be bothering him? I mean, he’s famous and a bazillionaire… and I’m, well, me! 

All the doubts and fears rose to the surface and I just let them pass… and then I contacted him. Long story short, he was super-friendly, his villa was available for the exact week we wanted it and he’s giving it to us for less than the price of a 2-bedroom hotel room.

*Jaw drop*

There are quite a few lessons I got from this experience, but I want to highlight 3 of them that are particularly important for YOU to manifest success in your life.

3 Critical Lessons (Steps) I Learnt to Manifest Success In Life

Lesson#1 - Intentionally build an environment of learning and growth around you.

Surround yourself with the people and learning that help you become the person you need to be in order to have what you desire most.

Shortly before this opportunity came up, I’d enrolled in a fantastic program that had an incredibly supportive community of like-minded people focusing on growing themselves and their success in aligned ways, and it was been a game-changer for me. The deep inner work I did in this program is what cleared the way for me to be able to manifest this amazing vacation by helping to get myself out of the way.

A critical step to getting more of what you want is to be on board with the growth that is required. You have to grow into and become that person first, and getting involved with the resources and people who can help you do it is the fastest way to start creating more of what you want in your life. For me, it was the manifesting program… for you, it might be something different. You’ll know what’s right for you, but you have to change YOU in order to change your outer world reality.

ACTION STEP: What is one way you feel you need to change in order to have what you want most? 

Lesson #2 - Excuses rob you of opportunities.

Opportunities are all around us to get what we want all the time. But how many times have you had an amazing opportunity come up only to let it pass by because you thought, “Oh, I couldn’t do that” or “I’m not rich enough/ famous enough / skinny enough [insert excuse]”? 

In the case of manifesting this vacation house, I knew I wanted to take my family to Thailand for the Chinese New Year, but I was soooo late with booking anything. I’d done some searching online and picking were more than slim or not in our budget. So I started talking to people about this vacation I wanted to go on. I knew I wanted to be beach-front and in a house at a price we wanted to pay. And low and behold, I was talking to my acupuncturist, and she said, I know a guy with a house - she said it was amazing - … and that’s how it got started.

Even if it scares you… even if it seems impossible or a foregone conclusion that you’ll fail… you must move forward into action before the opportunity is gone. 

So I ask you: What’s one unexpected opportunity that has come up for you to have what you want? Or, what’s one opportunity that you intuitively know you should act on but haven’t yet? 

But keep in mind, the opportunity that will give you exactly what you want may not look like what you thought it would.

In fact, most times it won't and that’s actually a good thing because our minds can only perceive opportunities that fall within our current perception and beliefs (and these aren't the same ones that will get you what you want or you'd already have it).

Here's a perfect example: I just had another opportunity come up that supports the financial goals I’ve set for myself and it looks nothing like I thought it would. In fact, it’s something I thought I’d never ever do.

But I believe that (1) when something keeps showing up in your world, then you need to pay attention to it because there’s something there for you, and (2) when you get the opportunity to have what you want, but it comes via an unexpected way, you have to a decision to make:

  • You can be judgmental about the “how” of getting what you want and let the opportunity pass by

  • Or you can do a quick reframe on yourself and be open to the fact that maybe that unexpected opportunity is exactly what you need to create what you want most. This is the choice I made in this instance.

Right-and-perfect-for-you opportunities can show up in all kinds of ways. When you start to let go of your judgments of what your opportunities to get what you want “should” look like, and you will start to see all the possibilities for you to have what you want that are already all around you.

Lesson #3 - Ask for what you desire and then take aligned action in spite of fear.

Be bold in declaring what you want and asking for what you want, and then take aligned action. 

Had I not asked the Universe for what I wanted and then started talking about it with others, I never would’ve manifested this amazing vacation for my family. And, yes, I’m saying talk to others about it because the Divine works through others to deliver your good to you.

You can think positive thoughts all day long, but not much will change in your life until you act.

What's once aligned action you could you take today to move you closer to having what you want most?

Here’s another great example of being bold and making a dream happen through aligned action:

Last night I was flipping back through an old journal of mine and reading an entry from October 2006 in which I was talking about what I wanted to create in my life. At the time I had just quit a job I hated, was feeling really lost and I’d started taking some of T. Harv Eker’s programs. He’d recently made an announcement about a job opening I was in no way “logically” qualified for. Long story short, even though I wasn’t “qualified”, I took massive action toward going after that job I wanted, and in May 2007 I started working with him on creating his high-end retreat program. Without being bold in going after what I wanted, I would have missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that turned into one of the best times in my life.

I’ve intentionally dived back into deep inner work even more so than before. I’ve started re-reading A Course In Miracles, which has really been blowing me away with all the insights and a-ha moments I’ve had. I’ve felt pulled to learn even more about energy, self and the human mind works. I know from past experience that when I honor the guidance I receive, my life and I change in profound ways (like when the Akashic Records showed up in my awareness).

When I feel I want certain changes and growth in my life, I ask the Divine to show me the way, and then I notice what shows up and move into action on the ones that feel aligned for me. What has happened in my life as a result of following this strategy has been nothing short of amazing, and I highly encourage you to try it out for yourself.

So, what is your intuition guiding you to do?

What opportunities have popped up in your world that you haven’t yet acted on out of fear or doubt?

What actions can you take today that will get you a step closer to your goals and dream life?

Here’s to YOU taking courageous action to manifest success you desire and make your dreams come true!

Welcome! I’m Christine Parma. I’ve helped thousands of purpose-driven entrepreneurs, thought leaders and changemakers joyfully transform themselves, their businesses and their "real world results" in ways that align with their values, increase their impact, and achieve the bold visions they hold... and I'd love to support you, too!

As a results-focused trainer and coach, I help you craft both a wildly successful professional life and deeply fulfilling personal life. By combining highly effective coaching methods, smart strategies, strategic systems, and powerful personal transformation modalities, I support you with moving past what’s been limiting you, map a clear path forward to achieving your boldest goals and achieve your fullest potential with joy, grace and flow.

Ready for Extraordinary Results? Learn more about how I can help you or read some of my clients’ success stories.

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