Transformation Coaching and Performance Coach for purpose-driven Leaders, Professionals and Companies | Christine Parma

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5 Steps that Practically Guarantee More Clients Now

Has this year been an amazing year in your business for you… or maybe not-so-great? As we get close to the end of every year, a lot of entrepreneurs go into cruise mode or panic mode, but neither of these will help you bring more sales in the door. If you find yourself thinking, “Ugh! How can I make next year better?”, your first step is to get more clients and make more money during the rest of the time that’s left in this year!

There’s still plenty of time to create thousands of dollars and turn your year around… or simply boost your bottom line! Follow these five steps that practically guarantee more clients now and create the kind of money you desire and deserve before the year is over.

Watch the video below to get more!

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(Get current information about the Make $10K in 10 Days Challenge course here.)

Step #1: Get really clear on the kind of business you want to create.

If you’re not really clear on who you’re serving and how you want to serve them, then your messaging and your ability to connect with clients will be wishy-washy and you’re probably going to end up building a business that isn’t what you intended. You want to get really clear on who you’re serving and how you want to serve them because how you want to serve them has everything to do with what you’re going to do in your business to bring in more clients and create more money. Makes sense, right?

So, if you’re not clear about how you want to serve them, then it’s going to be much harder for you to figure out the methodology or steps you need to follow.

Step #2: Clearly communicate your value.

Do you believe that you have something valuable to offer? Or that what you’re offering is valuable? You must first know your value and be confident in the value you’re offering in order to clearly communicate it to your potential customers. If you’re not sure that what you are offering is of value to people, then you’re going to have trouble selling it, especially in an authentic way that doesn’t leave you feeling like a used car salesman.

The truth is that you can have the best marketing copy in the world, but if you don’t believe in yourself and what you’re offering enough, then it’s going to be really, really hard for you to get clients or make money in your business. One of the big reasons why I integrate mindset and spiritual principles into the work that I do with my clients is because you could be doing all the right business things, but if you don’t have the confidence and value parts nailed, you’re going to find selling to be a really frustrating, stressful and unsuccessful experience.

For example, I see this a lot in direct marketing. People believe that the product works. In fact, they know it works because they use it themselves and they love it, so they have confidence in the product itself, but they don’t feel confident telling people about it because they feel like they’re intruding or bothering people. That lack of confidence comes back to the personal belief systems you have around selling, money, and being visible, to name a few.

[Learn more about how to bust through your blocks and activate your abundance now.]

Another piece to this puzzle of how to clearly communicate value has to do with your messaging (aka, what you speak and write). Your messaging has to be really spot on with what your ideal clients want and need. And if you’re not clear on that, you’re not going to be clear on how you’re helping people and solving their problems, which is a critical piece of any compelling offer’s structure.

Step #3: Implement an effective marketing and visibility strategy to get in front your dream clients.

People get tripped up on visibility all the time because they are afraid to market or “sell” themselves, which is intimately connected to mindset and confidence.

Or they feel overwhelmed by all of the options for how to be visible and how to market themselves and their business, so they kind of do a little bit of everything here and there, which leads to very few results.

Or they get completely overwhelmed by all of the steps that people are saying they need to do in order to be successful, which just puts them in a state of business paralysis where they don’t do anything or they spend way too much time trying to learn it all before they actually make an offer.

All of these are big mistakes that are too easy to make.

An effective marketing and visibility strategy

  • Includes two to four proven visibility activities you’re excited about doing so that you’ll actually do them.

  • Should be simple enough for you to be consistent and do repeatedly with success.

  • Fits into your schedule so that you don’t fall into overwhelm, get stuck or work your way into a state of burn out.

Step #4: Take consistent, aligned action.

Now, this may seem like an obvious step, but you’d be amazed at how many people don’t take consistent, aligned action and instead fall into the unconscious habit of haphazardly putting out fires in their business or doing the things they feel they have to do based on what they read somewhere (instead of what’s a best fit for them and their business).

For example, if you’ve made your marketing and visibility strategy so complicated that you can’t consistently take action on it, it’s going to be ineffective for creating the kind of money that you desire. Taking consistent, aligned action (and this is where I’m going to get a little spiritual) means tapping into your intuition, your higher self, and your inner wisdom, about what that next right step is for you. When you do this, you’ll become aware of ways for you to get clients, make money and market your business in ways that you never imagined and which feel great to you.

So, my question to you is this:

When you really tune in, what is the right next step for you that will help you get more clients right now or grow your business the most? It’s likely the thing you’ve been resisting and scares you a little bit. It might be calling somebody up, doing Facebook livestreams, adding much-needed system and organization to your business or posting on social media about your business opportunity or product. When you have a feeling that you need to do it and you’re scared to do it, that’s a big clue about what the next right aligned action for you is.

Step #5: Magnify your results!

When you do steps one through four, you’ll have set a strong foundation on which to continue to grow your business and income. The final step is create an environment around you that helps you magnify your desired results. This includes surrounding yourself with a supportive, like-minded community, as well as upgrading your mindset and expanding your ability to receive more clients and money.

To help you determine what areas you may want to work on in order to clear the path for more clients and money to flow in with ease, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are your friends and family supportive of your dreams, ambitions and who you are? Or do you find yourself not telling them about your business or ideas because you’re afraid of their reactions?

  • Who are the people you spend the most time with or hang out with? What are they like? What kind of things to they talk about? Do they blame others for their hardships, bad-mouth people or talk poorly about themselves? Or do they mostly speak positively about themselves and others?

  • In what areas of your life or business have you been feeling frustrated, stuck and/or like nothing seems to go right no matter what you try? Why do you think that is?

  • Do you consistently engage in practices and habits that grow your skillset, expand your ability to receive and handle money and keep you focused on where you’re going? If not, why not? And, what would it look like if you did?

Comment and Share!

I’d love to hear what you discovered about yourself and/or your business! Please share in the comments below.

And, I love giving value and helping others to create big breakthroughs. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and followers so you they can have their own big breakthroughs, too. Thank you!

Ready to finally clear the path to your Divine Abundance? 

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Welcome! I’m Christine Parma. I’ve helped thousands of purpose-driven entrepreneurs, thought leaders and changemakers joyfully transform themselves, their businesses and their "real world results" in ways that align with their values, increase their impact, and achieve the bold visions they hold... and I'd love to support you, too!

As a results-focused trainer and coach, I help you craft both a wildly successful professional life and deeply fulfilling personal life. By combining highly effective coaching methods, smart strategies, strategic systems, and powerful personal transformation modalities, I support you with moving past what’s been limiting you, map a clear path forward to achieving your boldest goals and achieve your fullest potential with joy, grace and flow.

Ready for Extraordinary Results? Learn more about how I can help you or read some of my clients’ success stories.

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