Transformation Coaching and Performance Coach for purpose-driven Leaders, Professionals and Companies | Christine Parma

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Are You Focusing on Where You’re At or Where You’re Going?

What’s it really take to have what you want in life? To create the life you see others having that you wish you had? 

When you’re in caught up in the craziness of everyday life, it can be easy to slip into a rut and let a big dream slowly fade away.

If you’ve been working really hard to create the kind of life that you’re dreaming of, it can feel really frustrating and disappointing when things don’t seem to change. Sometimes the gap between your current circumstances and the where you want to be can look so huge that you miss the opportunities and gifts you have right now.

The funny thing is that when you hold a big goal in mind, but you’re still at peace with where you are right now, turning the vision you have for your life into your reality becomes a lot easier.

So, how can you do that?

Keep reading and watch the video for five simple steps that will help you reach your big goals while enjoying life more, no matter where you are in your journey.

Step 1: Work with what you’ve already got

The first strategy I want to share with you is you’ve got to work with what you got. Now, there are people who are out there struggling right now and living paycheck to paycheck, and you may feel like you may never get to the vision you hold for yourself. But if you are trying to build a business doing something you enjoy and around the work you love, but you’re feeling frustrated because you don’t have the resources or tools that you need, you’ve got to work with what you already have right now.

Instead of just focusing on, “I can’t do it because I don’t have the perfect backdrop for my video livestream” or “I can’t afford the fancy tools to launch my business or grow it” or “I only have a few hours a week to grow my business because I’m staying at home with the kids", you’ve got to work at what you got. And I promise you that when you start taking an inventory of the resources you already have around you, then you’ll be surprised at the number of things that you actually have access to.

For example, what kind of network do you already have? Your personal network, your friend network, your community network, and your online network.... How can they be a resource and an asset for you?

Another example: Your creativity. Nobody can take your creativity from you and it’s an infinite resource. Challenge yourself: how can you get creative about growing your business, launching your business or doing the things that you want to do in your life and managing your time so you can do them? What kind of options and solutions can you come up with?

So I ask you: What resources do you have access to that maybe you’re not using fully or at all? Maybe you’re in a job that you really don’t like and you want to change jobs or you want a promotion that you want but you think you’re not qualified for. Think about the ways in which you are qualified. 

The reality is that YOU are the only person who’s keeping you from going after what you want. All you have to do is look at the people who’ve started big companies. Take a look at Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman when they started Nike. They didn’t have a lot of resources. They started Nike by making the shoe outsoles in a waffle iron! Literally. But that was what he had available at the time and look at how big a company Nike is now. There are countless examples of people who started with nothing. All they had was a vision for where they wanted to go and a burning desire, so they simply started with what they had. 

Nowadays the internet gives you access to virtually unlimited free resources that can help you start and grow your business, reinvent yourself and transform your life if you’re not yet where you want to be. It’s rarely for a lack of access to information but rather a problem with implementing that information. Put your creative thinking cap and start coming up with ways you can use the resources you’ve already got, even if you feel like you don’t have a lot of resources. 

Step 2: Hold a clear vision for what you desire

In order to focus - and take aligned action - to create the kind of business and life you want to have, you have to have a clear vision of what that looks like for you.  As the famous Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, then you’ll end someplace else.” And isn’t that so true? If you don’t have the vision for what you want to create - for the kind of business you want to have and what you want your life to look like as a result of that business or just in general - you’re just going to end up kind of wandering through life.

My question for you is, are you kind of wandering through life? Or have you sat down and actually given some thought what you want your life to be like? 

When you hit 90 years old and you’re looking back at your life and the things you’ve done, what do you want to see? If you were to write a book about your life, what do you want to be in that book? What’s your vision for the life you want to have?

Now, some people will say, “Well, you never know what’s going to happen in life and there’s no point in setting goals because things happen and goals change.” Well, yeah, they change, but that doesn’t mean you don’t aim for something to begin with. You start with a vision for where you’re going, get into action that takes you in that direction and maybe somewhere along the way you learn something that changes your vision a little bit, so you simply adjust course. You change the things that you’re doing to get to that new vision.

Frankly, if you’re living life and you’re interested in expanding yourself and your soul’s experience here, then your vision will change. It will evolve - it’s supposed to. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have a vision for your life at all. Without a vision for the kind of life you want to lead, one day you’re likely have a moment when you think, “How did I get here? How did my life turn out this way?” and feel quite disappointed with what you’ve done with your life.  With a clearly defined vision, even if life doesn’t go exactly according to plan, you’ll be headed in the same general direction and you just may create something even better than the original vision you had for yourself.

Activate your Divine Wealth & Abundance in less than 30 minutes with this powerful process. Get it now.

Step 3: Don’t be attached to the “how”

Have you ever heard the saying that goes, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans”?  But I think people misinterpret this to mean “don’t make plans at all”. It doesn’t mean you don’t make plans… just don’t get super attached to those plans or how that vision that you’re holding is going to happen.

That’s what holds a lot of people back and what keeps a lot of people from investing the time to think about the vision they have for themselves. They get very attached to the “how”, like, “I have this vision for my business. It’s going to be a million-dollar business and it’s gotta happen this way and at this time.” When things don’t happen like they envisioned, then they toss the entire vision into the trash can, when a more supportive approach would be to hold the vision for where you’re going, but if something else happens that supports your overall desire, make room for it.

Your life may end up being taken in a completely different direction and one so amazing that you couldn’t conceive of it. That’s what happened to me. When I was working in corporate, I was totally miserable and I eventually quit my job. What happened after that and how I got to be doing the work I’m doing now, I literally never could’ve imagined if for no other reason than I didn’t know that people actually got paid to do the work I ended up doing and the work that I’m doing now. The “how” that showed up enabled me to turn a far better vision for my life into reality. So, allow your vision to evolve and be open to wonderful things coming into your life and changing that vision, but still start off with an initial vision, so at least you have something you’re aiming for.

If you don’t have a vision for yourself right now, spend some time writing down your vision for yourself. Just let it flow. Get it out of your head. What do you want your life to be like? What do you want your business to be like? How do you want to deliver your heart-work into the world and make your impact on the world? Write it down.

Step 4: Be at peace with where you are now

When you stuck in frustration or overwhelm, or you envy the life that you see other people having that you want, you become a magnet for more of what you don’t want. And the opposite also applies: when you’re at peace with where you are right now and you’re not in that space of pining or feeling frustrated by the distance between where you are and where you want to be, then getting to that vision you hold is a lot easier, happens faster and is a more enjoyable journey. Staying in high-vibration energy will help you manifest what you desire.

You can choose to come from the place of “this is where I am, and I know I want to be here” without attaching negative energy to it. Instead, focus on the excitement and happy anticipation of what you’re calling in and creating. That’s when things are really going to click for you. 

Step 5: Consistently take aligned action

We’ve already established that you must hold the energy for that vision you want to bring in and create, but you also have to action and take action consistently towards creating that vision. I look at the process of manifestation whatever it is that you want as a partnership between us and the Divine / the Universe. Each of us must do our part. Yes, you need to be open to intuition and being guided in the direction to your soul’s journey in this lifetime, but you also have to actually act on that guidance by taking consistent action.

For example, if you’re launching or growing a business around doing work you love, there are certain things you should be doing to grow your business from a practical standpoint. You should be engaging in marketing activities that make you visible so that your potential clients can find you.

Don’t make it hard for them to find you. You have to make it easy. Do livestreams. Get on Facebook. Create posts. Go to meet-up groups and tell people about what you do. Share from a place of your passion and that’s how it feels good too, when you’re sharing from your excitement and your passion for what you’re doing. People love excitement and passion that’s authentic, but then you have to take the consistent action.

Even if your blog post doesn’t get any comments. Even if your livestream has only a handful of view. Even if you’re not seeing the kind of results you want to see after months of trying, taking consistent, aligned action pays off over time (assuming you’re taking the kind of action that supports success). 

What is one step that you can take right now that you will commit to doing consistently? Is it going to be doing livestreams to help grow your business? Is it going to be blogging on a regular basis? Is it going after a job you really want by throwing your hat in the ring and applying for it?  

What will you do that will put you a step closer towards that big vision that you hold for yourself? 

Share your thoughts!

  • Do you find it difficult to stay focused on where you’re going instead of your current circumstances?

  • What’s one action you can take right now for creating the life and business you want to have?

Share in the comments below!

Activate your Divine Wealth & Abundance in less than 30 minutes with this powerful process. Get it now.

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Welcome! I'm Christine Parma. I’ve helped thousands of purpose-driven entrepreneurs, thought leaders and changemakers joyfully transform themselves, their businesses and their "real world results" in ways that align with their values, increase their impact, and achieve the bold visions they hold... and I'd love to support you, too!

As a results-focused trainer and coach, I help you craft both a wildly successful professional life and deeply fulfilling personal life. By combining highly effective coaching methods, smart strategies, strategic systems, and powerful personal transformation modalities, I support you with moving past what’s been limiting you, map a clear path forward to achieving your boldest goals and achieve your fullest potential with joy, grace and flow.

Ready for Extraordinary Results? Learn more about how I can help you or read some of my clients’ success stories.

Activate your Divine Wealth & Abundance in less than 30 minutes with this powerful process. Get it now.

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