
Are You Focusing on Where You’re At or Where You’re Going?

Are You Focusing on Where You’re At or Where You’re Going?

What’s it really take to have what you want in life? To create the life you see others having that you wish you had? 

When you’re in caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to slip into a rut and let a big dream slowly fade into the past. 

Or, you get so frustrated by your current circumstances and the distance between where you are right now and where you want to be that you miss the gifts you have right now.

The funny thing is that when you know where you’re going, but you’re at peace with where you are right now, turning the vision you have for your life into your real life becomes a lot easier.

Get 3 simple steps that will help you have more of what you want RIGHT NOW.

How to Quickly Turn Defeat into Success

How to Quickly Turn Defeat into Success

Defeat, setbacks, losing… they’re all inevitable parts of business and life, but how do you turn defeat into a success?

On the days when you’ve worked your butt off and no one buys from you…

Or no one watches your the video you spent weeks making…

Or you have a great conversation with a potential client and you think the sale is in the bag… and then she says no...

How do you get back in the saddle when you’ve taken a huge blow? That’s exactly what this post (and the accompanying video) is all about.

The High Costs of Being An Overachiever

The High Costs of Being An Overachiever

When I was in 8th grade, I developed a stomach ulcer. I’m not sure exactly when I started feeling the need to prove myself, but that kind of level of performance stress became my norm. I heaped mountains of pressure on myself. I was always striving, always trying to prove my worth through external validation. And yet no amount of achievement would snuff out that nagging feeling that I needed to do more and somehow be more... and it has really cost me a lot in my life.

Overachieving is celebrated in our society in business, school, sports and more. But the drive to be an overachiever can come with surprising problems and high costs, like low self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence and a deep fear of what others think of you. Here's how to start fulfilling your full potential without all the overachiever problems.

The Power to Achieve Your Dreams is Within You

The Power to Achieve Your Dreams is Within You

No matter who you are, everyone has times when we get into a low-energy funk and don’t feel like doing anything. And, if you’re out there pursuing your dreams and building a business doing what you love, there can be a lot of tough days.

Days – or weeks – when you just can’t seem to book any new clients. Days when the to-do list seems so long it could bury you. Days when you think about giving up and just go back to a “normal job”.

It’s during those especially challenging times when we need a strong dose of inspiration, a hand up or someone saying “I’ve got your back.”

“Every excuse that we make keeps us away from the things we want the most of out of life.” That’s a truth bomb for you.

Head's up: have a box of tissues nearby. 

Stuck on Stuck

Stuck on Stuck

I knew what I wanted – a beautiful, elegant, easy-to-use website I can add content to or hire help, as needed – it’s that there are SO MANY choices and so many of them seem so “right”. And therein lays the problem. Too many options can lead to confusion and stifle productivity and progress.

Even knowing this already, I still got stuck on being stuck. My mind just couldn’t let go of feeling like I’d make the “wrong” choice and that there was a perfect solution out there for me if I just kept searching.

What a waste of time it is to be caught in the whirlpool of decision paralysis. It not only obliterates your valuable time with little to show for it, but it drains away your energy, your creativity and your productivity.