4 Steps to Ending Self-Sabotage and Finally Getting What You Want

4 Steps to Ending Self-Sabotage and Finally Getting What You Want

So you want to create more money in your bank account, connect with dreamy ideal clients, find your soul mate, and generally have more of everything else that brings you joy, peace and fulfillment? Here are the 4 steps on how to end self -sabotage and finally get what you want.

Are You Focusing on Where You’re At or Where You’re Going?

Are You Focusing on Where You’re At or Where You’re Going?

What’s it really take to have what you want in life? To create the life you see others having that you wish you had? 

When you’re in caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to slip into a rut and let a big dream slowly fade into the past. 

Or, you get so frustrated by your current circumstances and the distance between where you are right now and where you want to be that you miss the gifts you have right now.

The funny thing is that when you know where you’re going, but you’re at peace with where you are right now, turning the vision you have for your life into your real life becomes a lot easier.

Get 3 simple steps that will help you have more of what you want RIGHT NOW.

7 Steps for Making a Decision Easy

7 Steps for Making a Decision Easy

Have you ever been faced with making a tough choice and felt overwhelmed by the process of simply making a decision? If you're feeling stuck in indecision, sometimes making a decision at all can feel like the hardest thing.

But why is that? And how can you make the right decision quickly?

Follow this simple decision making process to identify your options, get clear on the best choice and move forward fast without regret.

5 Big Fears that Can Stop You from Quitting a Job You Hate

5 Big Fears that Can Stop You from Quitting a Job You Hate

Are you feeling stuck in your career, wanting a career change or even thinking about starting your own business? Deciding if you should quit a job you hate or just stick with it can be tough. In this article, you’ll learn the five big fears that keep people from quitting a job, how to overcome your fear of change and how to take action to find a career and work you love.

3 Critical Steps to Manifest Your Dreams Now

3 Critical Steps to Manifest Your Dreams Now

Imagine having a private beach-front, 7-casita retreat home + yoga room with staff of 5 and a private chef on one of Thailand’s premier vacation destinations… all for your family’s vacation. Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it?

Wouldn’t you love to manifest something like that for yourself? Yeah, I wanted to, too. And so I did. :-) Read on or watch the video to learn how I did it and you can manifest your dreams, too.

Use the Proximity Principle to Be More Successful and Happy

Use the Proximity Principle to Be More Successful and Happy

Ever heard of the Proximity Principle? It’s a huge factor in your levels of success, happiness and fulfillment. If you’re feeling stuck and struggling to make the progress you want, then this may be the reason why.

What’s Stopping You From Earning More Money?

What’s Stopping You From Earning More Money?

When you’re not in the financial position that you want to be in, you may feel unsettled. You may even feel as if you’re not living up to your potential. It can make you feel stuck and unhappy. But the great news is that you can change that and you can start earning the money you want by following these steps.

It's Not Really about the Money

It's Not Really about the Money

It wasn’t a desperate kind of yes, but a yes of deep understanding that the me that felt broken and beat down at a soul level and who had made the decisions that got me into the mess I was in wouldn’t be the me that could turn things around unless I got some help. Like, A LOT of help.

Maybe it was the hope that these programs represented for me that pushed me to the back of the room where I plunked down my credit cards to pay for the programs. 

I literally felt like throwing up, I was so scared....

Why You're Not Selfish or Greedy for Charging More

Why You're Not Selfish or Greedy for Charging More

“It’s better to give than to receive.”

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

“Rich people are greedy / bad / selfish.”

I bet you heard at least one of these common sayings growing up, and maybe you even believe it.

But that’s a BIG problem if you’re an entrepreneur or you simply want to attract more money and abundance into your life. Associating money with greed, selfishness or general “badness” puts you at odds with the inherent urge you have to be a “good” person. And where there’s inner conflict, there are muddled outcomes.

It’s my belief that it serves the world when you charge enough money for you to not only stay in business but also thrive. 

Otherwise, your business won’t be around to help the people who want and need want you offer.

The truth is that you are not selfish or greedy for charging more in your business. In this article I cover why you deserve to be paid high rates, why it’s important to be charging more than less, and how to position yourself in the market so you can attract your dream clients, even at higher fees. 

Let’s dive right in!

Ever Feel Like You're Not Enough?

Ever Feel Like You're Not Enough?

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? As an entrepreneur, as a parent, as a person?

That used to be one of my biggest struggles. What held me back from really putting myself out there as an entrepreneur and taking the steps to make myself visible was that I felt like I didn’t have enough to say. I struggled with feeling like my ideas weren’t good enough or original enough to share. And, I often second-guessed myself and wondered if  people would actually find value in what I say and how I help them. 

Then I called B.S. on myself. When I reached the point that my desire to help others was stronger than my fear of what others would think, I stepped into fully owning my value, no matter what. It's time you did that, too.


Push Back The Darkness By Shining Your Light More Brightly

Push Back The Darkness By Shining Your Light More Brightly

With all the negative events happening in the world right now, it can be easy to feel like we can’t do anything about it, but nothing can be farther from the truth. We as entrepreneurs can do so much to make a change in the world. 

Not only can you make an impact through the specific work you do, you can be a source of inspiration and empowerment. Frankly, right now, the world needs a lot more of that. The world needs a lot of light and as much light as possible.

How, specifically, can you make a positive influence on the world through your business? Here are some steps to get you started.

The Steps to Manifesting More of What You Want

The Steps to Manifesting More of What You Want

You seem to be doing everything right. You put in long hours, you work hard and you take action, but things aren’t happening like you want them to.

If you’re an entrepreneur, maybe you’re just not booking enough clients or bringing in enough money, so you’re struggling to stay in business. Or maybe you’ve been begging the Universe to send you a different job opportunity because you can’t stand the one you currently have, but for the life of you, you can’t find anything that you’d actually be excited to do.

When you’re getting a bunch of what you don’t want, how can you turn it around and start manifesting more of what you want? Here’s what you need to do to start doing it now.

Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Ambition?

Are You a Prisoner of Your Own Ambition?

We’re always hearing how important it is to be ambitious and to go after our dreams, and to work hard and make it happen. 

I say the same things… and I have a big vision and ambitious goals for myself… and you probably do, too.

But here’s the tricky part…

If you’re so ambitious in the pursuit of making your dreams happen that you lose sight of what’s truly important in your life, then what does that ambition really get you?

Here's why you need to keep an eye on what matters most, especially when you're building a business of your own.

How to Quickly Turn Defeat into Success

How to Quickly Turn Defeat into Success

Defeat, setbacks, losing… they’re all inevitable parts of business and life, but how do you turn defeat into a success?

On the days when you’ve worked your butt off and no one buys from you…

Or no one watches your the video you spent weeks making…

Or you have a great conversation with a potential client and you think the sale is in the bag… and then she says no...

How do you get back in the saddle when you’ve taken a huge blow? That’s exactly what this post (and the accompanying video) is all about.

The Sneaky Way You Rob Yourself of Life's Blessings Every Day

The Sneaky Way You Rob Yourself of Life's Blessings Every Day

The boat approached a small, emerald island jutting out of deep blue waters and we finally got a glimpse of our paradise for the next 7 days. The surroundings were surreal - so stunningly beautiful that they seemed plucked out of a movie (indeed they were… the movie The Beach was filmed in the area).

Then we saw it... Tucked into a small cove flanked by soaring limestone cliffs was the resort where our beachfront bungalow awaited us on Lagen Island in the Philippines. My heart leapt in my chest with excitement!

Finally… I could relax and let all of the stress of the past weeks go. We’d arrived at the the family vacation destination of our dreams despite all of the hurdles life had been throwing at us, all of which come with the territory when you’re a parent: the seemingly endless doctors visits and countless sleepless nights when your child is sick. Being able to go on this vacation at all was a true gift... one I could've easily robbed myself of if I hadn't shifted my perspective.

10 Smart Strategies for Getting the Most from Live Events

10 Smart Strategies for Getting the Most from Live Events

Before you head out to your next seminar, workshop or retreat, you’ll want to use the strategies below to help you maximize the results you get while you’re there. Based on my insights from over a decade of being on both sides of the live event fence as both an attendee and producer of live events, here are my 10 Smart Strategies for Getting the Most from Live Events.

Stuck on Stuck

Stuck on Stuck

I knew what I wanted – a beautiful, elegant, easy-to-use website I can add content to or hire help, as needed – it’s that there are SO MANY choices and so many of them seem so “right”. And therein lays the problem. Too many options can lead to confusion and stifle productivity and progress.

Even knowing this already, I still got stuck on being stuck. My mind just couldn’t let go of feeling like I’d make the “wrong” choice and that there was a perfect solution out there for me if I just kept searching.

What a waste of time it is to be caught in the whirlpool of decision paralysis. It not only obliterates your valuable time with little to show for it, but it drains away your energy, your creativity and your productivity.