Life is an adventure! Here's a bit more about mine.
One of the amazing Maui retreats I managed for T. Harv Eker.
Through a series of amazing events + a mountain of perseverance (too long to detail here), I manifested my way into working side-by-side with personal development guru, T. Harv Eker, creating, launching and managing over $3 million of live and online signature programs, including his high-end retreat program and 15,000+ person membership site. I LOVED it! I interviewed amazing luminaries like Brian Tracy and Marianne Williamson, helped change thousands of lives and found my life's purpose in the process.
Prior to finding the work that sets my heart on fire, I did the corporate 8 am-to-11 pm thing (those were my typical hours) as a Certified Financial Planner. Loved my clients... didn't love the mega-corporate life so much (to put it mildly). After many painful "hints" and a few swift kicks in the bum from the Universe, I finally quit, and in hindsight, the timing was impeccable. (It was 2006... Thanks, Universe!)
Have I mentioned I LOVE to travel? (Even though I’m doing a bit less of it since COVID, of course!)
I believe travel (the fun, non-corporate-jobby kind) is one of the best ways to grow personally, expand your thinking and simply enjoy life... so I do as much of it as I can! Currently, the family and I (1 awesome hubby + 2 rambunctious boys) are kickin' it as ex-pats in Vietnam for a few years. That's been an amazing adventure all its own!
And, how do I feel about personal growth? Can you say mega-addict?? I believe if I'm not growing, I may as well have incarnated as a slug. I'm an avid learner, serial experimenter and dedicated implementer... then I share my experiences. I cherry-pick the best strategies and insights to share with my community (so you don't have to take all the programs and hire all the coaches I do!).