
Before You Create and Sell Online Courses or Products, Do This First

Before You Create and Sell Online Courses or Products, Do This First

So you want to create an online course or digital product or even offer a new kind of service to your clients? You’ve got the idea and have mapped out a plan for your product launch. You’re ready to go! Or… are you?

Not so fast! You’re skipping an essential step that will help you avoid costly missteps, create products your ideal customers can’t wait to buy and which sets your online business up to sell more with a lot more ease. Keep reading to find out what the critical step is before you ever start validating your idea or creating, marketing and selling your new course, product or service.

The Big Marketing Mistake that Keeps You Earning Less than You Deserve

 The Big Marketing Mistake that Keeps You Earning Less than You Deserve

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because something inside you is calling you to do something bigger with your life. There’s a part of you that knows you’re meant to be more and receive more than your current circumstances, whatever they may be. And part of that is having the confidence and the systems that allow you to build a thriving business so you can do the work that is yours to do and serve the people who you’re uniquely qualified to serve.

But, you can’t build a thriving business that serves your clients in the highest way if you’re struggling, working your fingers to the bone or have inadvertently created another J-O-B for yourself that you resent.

In my previous post, I debunked the myth that says if you increase your fees, you’ll lose clients or not get any to begin with. I addressed just about every possible concern or excuse you could have to not charge what you know you’re worth. If you haven’t read that post yet, please read it. It contains critical mindset shifts that will allow you to finally push past your fears and confidently stand in the value you provide, charge for it and get it.

Now we’re going to jump into debunking one of the big marketing strategies that keeps so many business owners struggling financially.

5 Steps to Get High-End Market Clients as a Coach or Spiritual Entrepreneur

5 Steps to Get High-End Market Clients as a Coach or Spiritual Entrepreneur

The high-end market for coaches, healers, spiritual entrepreneurs and other high-end services is booming! But you need to know how to position yourself in the high-end market, attract high-paying clients and make saying yes to you easy - at any price. Follow these five simple steps for attracting your right-and-perfect high-end market clients and keep them coming back.

Occupy the Pinnacle of Impact, Influence and Income as an Expert Trusted Advisor

Occupy the Pinnacle of Impact, Influence and Income as an Expert Trusted Advisor

You can be the Expert Trusted Advisor for your customers. By consistently engaging in the five stages of trust building, operating with integrity and delivering with excellence, you will quickly become your customers’ Expert Trusted Advisor and see your impact, influence and income soar. 

Save your messed up customer relationship in these 5 simple steps

Save your messed up customer relationship in these 5 simple steps

The truth is you won’t really know how many potential customers you miss out on for every customer of yours who has a bad experience since one customer’s bad experience can have a disproportionately large impact given available technology and online social channels. The result is not only missed customers and revenue but also longer term damage to a business’s reputation, which can be very difficult to undo.

So, what should you do if you’ve inadvertently messed up an order, failed to deliver or somehow otherwise disappointed a customer and you’ve realized your mistake?